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Rent It Keep It

We understand the challenges that individuals and families face when trying to secure and maintain rental housing, especially in the rural areas of New South Wales. That's why we've developed the "Rent It, Keep It" program, a comprehensive course designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully navigate the rental market.

The "Rent It, Keep It" program is a collaborative initiative, run in partnership with other local support services. The program is designed to cater to a wide range of participants, from young people entering the rental market for the first time, to older individuals who may have experienced difficulties in maintaining tenancies in the past.

The course covers a variety of topics, including:

  • Understanding tenant rights and responsibilities
  • How to present yourself to a real estate agent
  • What to do if you encounter difficulties with your tenancy
  • Budgeting skills to ensure you can meet your rental obligations

We also invite guest speakers from various sectors, including real estate agents, representatives from the New England and Western Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service (NEWTAAS), and the NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal. These experts provide invaluable insights into the rental process and offer advice on how to handle potential issues.

One of the key outcomes of the "Rent It, Keep It" program is the certificate of completion. This certificate is recognised by several real estate agents in the region and can be used in place of a rental reference, particularly beneficial for those who may not have a rental history.

At ROSS, we believe that everyone deserves a safe and secure place to call home. The "Rent It, Keep It" program is just one of the ways we're working to make this a reality for individuals and families in Inverell, Glen Innes, Tenterfield, and Warialda.

For more information about the "Rent It, Keep It" program, or to register your interest in upcoming courses, please contact us today.